Git / GitHub

Practices and workflows for using Git and GitHub on the Digital team.


  • Changes are made on feature branches and merged via Pull Request, regardless of whether those PRs are reviewed.

  • Preferred naming convention for a feature branch is service-name/feature.

  • Never commit directly to develop or production branches.

  • Rebase to a single commit before making a PR.

  • Commit messages should be written in present tense.

Pull Requests

See our code review guidelines.

  • PRs should be merged by the assignee, who is typically the person who made the PR.

  • Assignee should delete the branch once it has been merged into develop.

  • Code reviews are required if more than one engineer has interest in the repo, regardless of the relative experience between the engineers.

  • Code reviews take priority over feature work, and must be responded to quickly.

  • Reviewer is responsible for approving changes detected by Percy.

Git Branches

For Drupal see:

Last updated