D7 -> D8 Conversion

Converting D7 structures to D8

Process for creating component modules:

  1. Login to the website and go to the paragraphs admin page (/admin/structure/paragraphs_type) and delete the paragraph you want to work on

  2. Step 1 above may delete some of the field.storage dependencies (field definitions), so just re-import all the bos_component module config to make sure you get all the shared config back into the database: lando drush config-import --partial --source=/app/docroot/modules/custom/bos_components/config/install

  3. Create the module scaffolding using drush, for example: lando drush componetize bos_discussion_topic --components=discussion_topic

  4. Add hook_theme() to .module file to connect to the paragraph template

  5. Copy the corresponding paragraph template from boston.gov-d8/docroot/themes/preConversion/component and put it in the scaffolding that the drush command from step 3 created: docroot/modules/custom/bos_components/modules/bos_discussion_topic/templates

  6. Enable the module: lando drush en bos_discussion_topic

  7. In the Drupal UI, add the new bundle to the field_components paragraph types list for the Test Component Page content type: /admin/structure/types/manage/test_component_page/fields/node.test_component_page.field_components

  8. Create a test page with the component added to review admin UI and display

Other helpful commands:

  • Importing a single config file:

lando drupal config:import:single --file="/app/docroot/modules/custom/bos_components/modules/bos_cabinet/config/install/field.field.paragraph.cabinet.field_contacts.yml"
  • Exporting database config directly to your module (Important: the config file needs to be referenced in your module's info file under the config-devel key): lando drush config-devel-export bos_cabinet

Last updated

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