Digital Team Release Notes
Code release details will be documented with each code deployment here
DIG-1033 - Price Filter Updates
This enhancement updates the price filter on the Metro Listing page so users have the ability to enter minimum and maximum prices to filter a price range appropriate to the listing type(rental or sales) they are searching
DIG-1043 - Show either rental units or for sale homes, not both
This enhancement separates rentals and sale properties in the search results so users are not confused by the listing type they are viewing
DIG-1714 - Metrolist price filters don't work on Sale properties
This enhancement shows the user sale properties when they are using the price filters on the Metro Listing page
DIG-1770- Metrolist Listing Form Error
Code was rolled back to the previous version after the listing form was throwing an error. Cause and Solution will be investigated for permenant fix
DIG-1659 - UI change to contact form
This adds email validation to the contact forms to avoid postmark errors
DIG-1679- Adjust style for document link button in "three column w/ image" component
Update the styling of document link on a three column image component so internal and external button links match
DIG-1720 -PDF Generation may fail if multiple requests occur simultaneously
This fix allows endpoint folders to accept both upper and lower case fiscal year names so the form accept process is not blocked.
DIG-1564- Add email validation to marriage intention form
This adds email validation to the marriage intention form. A user must enter matching emails before submitting the intention form. If the emails do not match the user will get an onscreen error message. This will ensure we do not receive postmark errors due to incorrect/incomplete email addresses.
DIG-807- Add email validation to registry applications
This adds email validation to the birth, death and marriage certificate request forms. A user must enter matching emails before submitting any of these request forms. If the emails do not match the user will get an onscreen error message. This will ensure we do not receive postmark errors due to incorrect/incomplete email addresses.
Digital Team
DIG-1164 Address Barcode for abatement application through assessing online
This update added code that writes a PDF and adds a barcode to the downloadable exemption information section of the abatement application
DIG-1653 Bug with last name in 'grid of quotes' component
This bug fixes the name display on the grid of quotes feature in Drupal. When editors add a persons full name to grid of quotes it will display correctly on
DIG-1687 'Add to calendar' button not working on 'events"
This bug fixes the error where the Add to Calendar button on the events page was not working properly. When users clicked this button to add the event to their calendar nothing happened. When users click this button now it gives them the option to add the event to their preferred electronic calendar
DIG-1712 - Update Street Numbers on Forms
This fix updates the way addresses appear across assessing forms.
DIG-1561 Fix Styling of Metrolist Grid of Cards
This fix updates the Grid of Cards styling on the Metrolist page to match everywhere else on the site
DIG-1584 Change "Calculate" to estimate on unit details screen
This update changes the text on the Metrolist unit details screen from calculate your eligibility to estimate your eligibility in the Eligibility Section
DIG-1652 Styling of bullets needs to be adjusted
This fixes a bug that was introduced when the bullet styling was updated to make them display better in the new tables, the bullets were being displayed in the middle of a multi-line sentence instead of in front of the first line. When bullets are used in a list the user will see the bullet positioned in front of the first sentence in a list
DIG-1509 Group Management Search Order
The search order in the Group Management tool on Access Boston Portal was enhanced so users see their search results in alphabetical order
DIG-1223 Error message in search of Permit Finder website
This fixes a bug where users where seeing an 400 error when using the permit finder website
Digital Team
DIG-1545 - Adjust feedback link in navigation for pages where feedback form appears
This adds functionality to the feedback link seen the on top of pages. If a page has the newly created feedback embedded when the feedback link is clicked the user will navigate directly to the new feedback form at the bottom of the page
If there is no feedback form embedded on the page, when the feedback link is clicked the user will see a contact form that submits an email to
DIG-1307 - Add updated styling to tables on
This updates all the tables on to match the newly designed tables created for the Elections results. These new designs are for both desktop and mobile. These updates were created to align with our commitment to design and brand consistency on
DIG-1547 Make Availability Info Page Required
Removes the check box option on the “Select Building” Page of the listing form that allows the users to skip the “Availability Info” page. This step will now be required in the submission process on the Metrolist Listing Form
DIG-1047 Open Project Pages in New Tab
Fixes a navigation issue for users that want to open a project page from the Build In Boston map. When clicking on a project from the map the project page will open in a new tab allowing users the ability to toggle between the map and project tabs they are viewing, and close the project pages without closing the map.
Digtial Team
DIG-1591 - Dupal Updates
Routine maintenance and code release cycle for
Digital Team
DIG-1463 Create feedback form
Enhancement in Drupal to create a feedback form that editors have to the ability to add to the bottom of any page on
Feedback form works on both desktop and mobile
The feedback form has the following features:
Yes/No check boxes for user experience - Required field
A comment text box for users to share their experience in paragraph form
DIG-1544 'Notes' error when viewing feedback form submissions
Fixes a bug where users were seeing an error when they clicked the notes option on individual Drupal pages
DIG-777 Listing Form: Availability Info Screen
The following updates were made to the Availability Screen on the Metrolist form:
Set default time in Deadline Time field to 11:59PM
Add the “Remove Posting Date” date field so users can add a date to indicate when a posting should be removed so applications cannot be submitted after that date
Updated the name of the “When would you like this posted to Metrolist“ field to “Available On”
DIG-838 Equitable Treatment agreement
Three changes to the notification requiring equitable treatment and non-discriminatory practices agreement:
Moved to bottom of page, just above submit button
Added "I agree" checkbox as part of notification
Disabled "Submit" button until "I agree" has been checked
DIG-1040 Fix Pagination icons to show displayed page
This updates the Metrolist Listing form so the user sees the pagination icon highlighted to indicate which page they are currently on
DIG-1024 View Only Group Management
Enhancement to the Group Management Tool on Access Boston Portal that allows users to search and view employees/contractors list of security groups in view only mode
Users with the following security group SG_AB_GROUPMGMT_SERVICEDESKVIEWONLY will see the Group Management link on their Access Portal page
Users will have the ability to search on users by name or ID
Once the correct user is found and selected their security groups will be displayed in view only mode. No edits can be made to the security groups
DIG-878 'Grid of quotes' component image upload issues
This fix allows users to upload an image by easily clicking the “media add page” in the "Grid of Quotes" component, instead of forcing them to add the media then searching to to find it so it displays
This also fixes the display itself so that the image can been seen instead of displaying the file name
DIG-1362 Display unofficial results in the same order as the ballot
This fix allows user to see the unofficial election results data displayed in the same order as it is listed on the official election ballot when it appears on the unofficial elections results page
The election data order should also display in the same order as the ballot in the filtered drop down for searching
DIG-1393 Add field to Drupal to allow election editors / admins to edit disclaimer
This fix gives election editors or admins the ability to update the disclaimer message on the Elections Results page
The editor will see a new field to add or update a disclaimer message in Drupal
DIG-1435 Error on elections file upload crashes upload form
Fixes an issue to prevent upload crashes when an elections file is uploaded
To fix this issue the following solutions were implemented:
Made the form more tolerant to missing or orphaned data in the history object which is dynamically stored in the node_elections config settings.
Added a clear history button to the form so an admin can manage the history
Added logging into the history so that clearing and deleting history is recorded
DIG-1511: Maintenance Updates
Routine contributed module updates for Drupal
DIG- 1519 Content authors / editors unable to see drafts of unpublished content
Fixes a bug where editors were unable to see their Draft Drupal pages, When a user saves a “draft” for a new content type, they get a “temporarily unavailable” message
After an update in Drupal the DateTime module seemed to be less tolerant to formatting a date, the code was updated so that the published date will only be formatted if the node has been published
DIG-62 Unmask a Password - Sign in Screen Access Boston Portal
Added a show password feature to the sign in screen on Access Boston Portal. This allows users to click on the word 'Show' to unmask the password they are typing to make sure it is correct
NOTE: This code was developed by the digital team but released by the IAM team because this page lives on their servers
DIG-1155 Unmask a password - Change Password Screen
Added a show password feature to the Change Password screen on Access Boston Portal. This allows users to click on the word 'Show' to unmask the password they are typing to make sure it is correct
This screen is also used in the create password process for new users/employees
DIG-1156 - Unmask Password - Forgot Password Screen
Added a show password feature to the Forgot Password screen on Access Boston Portal. This allows users to click on the word 'Show' to unmask the password they are typing to make sure it is correct
Drupal _Tags/2022-11-03
DIG- 1363 - Add disclaimer message to top of unofficial election results
Added a disclaimer message to the top of our unofficial election results election card to clarify the order that results appear for users.
DIG -1374 - Add error validation in election uploads
This addresses an issue with uploading xml files in our new Election Results section in Drupal. It adds further error validation for users uploading problematic files.
DIG- 1343-Adjust styling of tables on mobile
Adjusted the styling of our tables when viewing them on mobile in our patterns library. This change eliminates adding an extra border at the bottom of each cell, and instead adds the bottom border below groups of data on mobile.
DIG - 1333 Adjust text in filtered dropdown for primary elections
Capitalized "rep" and "dem" party descriptors in the race selection dropdown
Unofficial elections results are mobile-friendly on
Background: The unofficial election results website gets updated with new data each election that reflects the current race. The data for the current page is currently being iframed into a website on The data from the iframe is coming from the old website. It does not have City of Boston branding and it isn’t mobile-friendly.
Goal: Make unofficial election results mobile-friendly on
UI Design
Related Tickets
DIG- 1004 Importing Elections Data into Drupal
Created a new content type packaged in the module node_elections allowing the elections dept to upload elections results into a drupal page
Created an import page for the elections department to import election results file that will appear on the elections website
Created an import process where election results file contents are loaded into the new content type to updated the elections results site
DIG- 1093 Create display pages for unofficial results
Front end development work to create display pages for election results that align with approved UI designs and our patterns library
DIG-1206 Drupal Security update 9.4.8
DIG-854 Update patterns library to Node 18
DIG-1060 - Fixes a bug where the postmark contact form was not automatically adding the correct email address in the CC field so Boston City Workers could click reply all without having to cut and paste the email address into the To field. This fix allows users to see the email address in the To field after click reply or reply all.
DIG-881 - This updates the my neighborhood look up tool by swapping out the summer links for the winter links.
DIG-2021 -Routine scheduled updates to Drupal contributed modules
AWS AMI Update/2022-09-21
Weekly Maintenance that updates both PROD and the REPO
DIG-1002 Error message in Registry suite of applications
Fixes issue where users are getting a 400 error in Registry Suite of Applications
Issue was due to a malformed cookie
DIG-1009 Internal links considered "external" causes WSD on older pages
Fixes issue where Cabinet page links were broken
Updated code to ignore hard coded part of the URL and read the remainder of the path to display the correct page
DIG-993 Contact forms on failing to send
Fixes issue where users were unable to send emails via the "mail to" links on
A class was not registered for the email sending process via postmark
DIG-872 Add 'last updated' to 'updated' date in 'posts'
This adds "Last Updated" before dates on a published page so users know when page has last been updated
DIG-949 Verify pages to be scanned by Percy
Added a good selection of pages from for Percy testing
DIG-1005 Internal links considered "external" causes WSD on older pages
Fixes issue where a URL link cannot resolve because drupal considers is external
Fix is to check if the link is external before trying to load the associated node
DIG-905 Apply button error in 'commission summary' component
Fixes a 400 error users see when they click the Apply Online button on a Boards and Commission page
Issue was due to a malformed cookie
DIG-67 -Caching issue displaying incorrect breadcrumbs
This fixed an issue where the breadcrumbs on the top of a page was not consistent with user navigation
The solution is to specify that the breadcrumb block be cached per url and not per content type
The breadcrumbs now appear consistent to the users navigation path
DIG-831 (metrolist)- Clarify "Minimum income" is annual income
Added a tooltip to the “Minimum Income” field explaining that the amount entered in this field should be annual income
DIG -925 (metrolist)- Email Language Errors
Updated confirmation email with correct language for the user
DIG-989 - Fix subdomain redirect in configuration for
Updated our config file to point the redirect to
DIG-31 Custom 500 Error
This will activate the 500 error page on
When a user gets a 500 error they will see the following:
Text: Sorry! Looks like something went wrong on our end. We're currently working to fix the issue. You can try re-loading the page in a few minutes, or email with any questions or concerns.
DIG-853 Re-integrates Percy
This work re-enables Percy on
Percy will assist in automated testing by comparing screenshots to ensure new code does not break anything on
Percy tests must pass in order to merge new PRs
DIG-876 Resolves internal link WSD
This fixes a validation error for broken internal links in components
If a user enters an internal URL the page will resolve itself and navigate to the correct URL when saved
When users try to save a draft page with a broken internal link they will get an error message.
DIG-542(Metrolist) Calendar events do not show physical location
This will update calendar events to pull in the physical address of the event so users see the correct address on the site
This update will also accommodate events that will be held virtually - users will see language on screen saying the event will be virtual
DIG-738(Metrolist) Stop re-submission of form once submitted
Update to add language to the Metrolist listing form informing users the unique link they receive to submit a listing should only be used once. The following language has been added to these screen/emails
Listing Form Request - Important: If you need to submit listings in multiple properties, please request a new form for each one.
Email communication -Important: Do not reuse link. If you need to submit listings for additional properties, please request a new form
Listing form request on screen notification- Important: If you need to submit multiple listings, please request a new form for each building.
DIG-776(Metrolist) Submission Confirmation Email
Send a "Submission successfully completed" email notice to the contact associated with the listing when a submission is completed
DIG-775(Metrolist) Update Admin email alert
Update the Admin email recipient list, add meaningful info, and include a link to the Salesforce Development. Email will contain:
Submitted on: [Date/time stamp] Submitted By: [Listing Contact Name] Listing Contact Company: [Listing Contact Company] Contact Email: [Listing Contact Email] Contact Phone: [Listing Contact Phone]
Property Name: [Development Name] Property Address: [Street, City, Zip]
DIG-781(Metrolist) Apply Button on listings gets 404 Not Found
Fixed bug where Apply button on MetroList Listing page was getting a 404 page error
DIG-809(Metrolist) Issues accessing Metrolist from external devices
Fixed bug where Metrolist search page was not loading on some devices
In the listing date code \T was being read as timezone updating this to \\T fixed the issue
DIG-433 (Metrolist)Telephone number (&date) format on metrolist_listing webform
Fixed bug where user sees a formatting error after entering a phone number
DIG-824 Update BOS311 API for Chinese translation
Chinese translation was not appearing in BOS:311 App
API was updated to send correct language code so alerts show in Simplified Chinese
DIG- 865 Fix styling of events component in how-to page
Fixed styling on events and notices component so events boxes are not pushed to right of the screen and appear centered on the site
DIG-317: How-to pages broken components
Fix styling issues with How To content type from patterns library
DIG-318: Node landing page Full
Minor edit to the wrapper around the main items
DIG-319: Node Listing Page
Took out unnecessary code to make sure listing pages look correct
DIG-438: Add email re-verification field.
Added validation email field to Postmark contact form so users have to validate their email before submitting a question etc.
DIG-757: Event calendar bleeding into the bottom module
Fixed a bug where the calendar button was bleeding onto the components section in events, this has been aligned
DIG-733: Features sidebar svg
Fix icon svg files appearing too large in the features section on the ArtsBoston Calendar. They are now appearing at normal size
DIG-781: Apply button on listings gets 404
Fix the apply button on Metrolist listing so when clicked user can apply to any listing
DIG-65 - Group Management URL Security Fix
Fixes the following security issue of allowing users to access group management via copying a URL directly into the browser
Users that do not have access to group management will be directed back to the Access Boston Portal screen
Last updated
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