Custom Modules

CoB custom modules - usually taxonomy, nodes and paragraphs. Conventions

The following development conventions are being followed in developing modules.

Module naming and location

City of Boston have the following naming and grouping conventions for custom modules:

Twig Templates

Templates for the component should be saved in:


To add a customized template, select a suggestion for the base (node, field, region etc), then

  1. Save the template in the folder above

  2. In the module_name_theme() hook in module_name.module add the following:

    function module_name_theme() {
      return [
        'template__suggestion_name' => [
          'base_hook' => 'region',
          'path' => 'modules/custom/bos_components/modules/module_name/templates',
          'template' => 'template--suggestion-name',
  3. If a new suggestion is needed, then add the following:

    function module_name_theme_suggestions_XXX_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
      // Add a new suggestion based 
      if ($variables['some_element'] == "some_condition") {
        $suggestions[] = "new__suggestion";

    Where XXX is the appropriate entity type (node, field, region, etc etc) to add a suggestion to.

Theme overriding

Wherever possible, the style provided from the patterns library should be used. In practice this means that can be styled by a Drupal developer ensuring that the twig template files provide HTML structured and given classes that the patterns library expects.

Should the need arise, then the patterns library style sheets can be overridden. Typically this is done at the module level, although if multiple modules will use the override, consider placing it in the bos_theme theme.

To add overrides,

  1. Create the style sheet module_name.css and appropriate markup in the relevant template (see above section),

  2. Save the stylesheet in:

  3. Update (or create) the module_name.libraries.yml file with the following:

          css/module_name.css: {}
  4. Using a module_name_preprocess_HOOK() hook in module_name.moduleattach the css where and only when it is required. For example:

    function module_name_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables) {
      $variables['#attached']['library'][] = "bos_modulename/something.override";

Using JavaScript

Wherever possible, JavaScript should not be used on This is to maintain compatibility with as many browsers as possible, and to maximize accessibility for screen readers etc.

Should the need arise, then a JavaScript library can be created and deployed. Typically this is done at the module level, although if multiple modules will use the override, consider placing it in the bos_theme theme.

To add overrides,

  1. Create the JavaScript library module_name.js,

  2. Save the library in:

  3. Update (or create) the bos_modulename.libraries.yml with the JavaScript directive - for example you could add the following:

        js/module_name.js: {}
        js/module_name1.js: { browsers: { IE: 'IE 9', '!IE': FALSE  } }
        js/module_name2.js: {attributes: {id: "component_nav_script"}}
      - core/jquery
  4. Using a bos_modulename_preprocess_HOOK() hook in bos_modulename.moduleattach the JavaScript library where and only when it is required. For example:

    function module_name_preprocess_HOOK(&$variables) {
      $variables['#attached']['library'][] = "module_name/something.javascript";

Site and Module Configuration

Drupal 8 defines settings and configurations in YML files with the actual "current" settings and configurations being stored in the Drupal (MySQL) database.

When the website is deployed or the web-server is restarted, configurations are re-read from the database. To reload the configuration and settings from yml files requires a manual (usually drush) process to be run by a developer.

Clearing the sites caches causes cached configurations and settings to be replaced with values from the database. Clearing caches does not reload yml files.

Importing YML configuration into the database.

YML files in a modulesdocroot/modules/custom/ ... /module_name/config/install folder will be imported into the database when a module is first installed.

YML files in the docroot/../config/default/ folder will be imported into the database when the configuration is imported via the Drupal UI, or the drush command.

drush cim

Exporting all database settings to YML files.

Current (run-time) settings and configurations in the database can be exported to the docroot/../config/default/ folder via the Drupal UI, or the drush command.

drush cex

Defining module-specific configurations using config_devel.

If the config_devel module is enabled then a modules configuration can be exported to the modules config/install folder.

The dependent configurations are defined in the file as follows:

  - module_name.settings
  - ...

To export these configurations to the config/install folder use the following drush command:

drush cde module_name

Configuration considerations

  • Modules should try to reuse configurations wherever possible.

  • configurations should be: 1. saved in the modules parent module (e.g. bos_components or bos_content)to enable sharing, and 2. added to the parents config_devel section of the .info.yml file.

Last updated