Content Editors

Updating Drupal website with accessibility in mind. When adding content by editing/adding html elements, what they need to keep in mind for screen readers and people with disability.

Adding Images

  • When adding images to content, must add caption and/or title and/or alt tags. This is especially important because screen readers reads them.

  • The editor we are using "ckeditor" provides at least one field to enter either a caption, title, or alt tags. If all three fields are provided please enter content for all three fields.

  • Please see the "How guide" section on the best ways to add and edit an image.

Adding Tables

  • Tables summaries must be added to each table created. Editors can use "ckeditor" to add summaries to each table. The summary must explain exactly what the table content is about.

  • See the "How to guide" section to learn more about adding table summaries to tables

Adding Buttons and Links

  • Just like images, links should always have a title if it is to be used as a placeholder or anchor tag. that is it has no content within the <a></a> tag.

  • Tip for buttons: When using <div>...</div>, <span>...</span>, or <a>...</a> as buttons always add a role="button" attribute to the html tag. The button role should be used for clickable elements that trigger a response when activated by the user. Adding role="button" will make an element appear as a button control to a screen reader. This role can be used in combination with the aria-pressed attribute to create toggle buttons.

<div id="saveChanges" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-pressed="false">Save</div>

Don't add mailto link as:
<a mailto="" class="someclasshere"> Send an email </a>

Do add mailto: link as:
<a href="" class="someclasshere"> Send an email </a>

Don't add the classes "button cta-button" in a "div" like this
<div class="button cta-button">
  <a href="/departments/innovation-and-technology">Test internal link in CTA</a>

Do add the classes "button cta-button" on the link itself like this
<div class="someclassnamehere">
  <a href="/departments/innovation-and-technology" class="button cta-button">Test internal link in CTA</a>

The above example creates a simple button which is first in the focus order.

Audios & Videos

  • Youtube videos:

  • HTML videos:

  • Other video types:

Last updated