
Since we are using Prettier to enforce basic code style, there’s no need to go into detail on those bits of syntax (e.g. always using semicolons, avoiding extraneous whitespace, etc).


  • In nearly all cases, there should be only one React component per file. The file name should match the component name.

  • A component’s story file (or test file) should be colocated with the component.


  • File/component name should be descriptive.

  • Use .tsx extension for React components.

  • Storybook files should be named ComponentName.stories.tsx.

  • Unit test files should be named ComponentName.test.ts.

  • Interface and type names should be in PascalCase.

  • Constant value names should be in ALL_CAPS.


  • Prefer <></> shorthand over <React.Fragment></React.Fragment>.

  • Avoid var; use const by default, or let when necessary.


Use JSDoc style when documenting classes and functions, and standard // elsewhere in the code.

 * Function used to count the number of eggs in a given nest.
 * Broken eggs will not be counted.
function eggCounter(nest: Eggs[]): number {
  // If an egg is broken, we still need to return the count.
  return nest.reduce((count, egg) => egg.isBroken ? count : count + 1, 0);


Overriding type errors

Remember: TypeScript errors are for our benefit as developers, so we should always take the time to resolve type errors as often as possible. Override only as a last resort!

this.setState({ []: }); // avoid

this.setState({ []: } as any); // preferred


Specifying defaultProps

Declare as a field on the component’s Class definition, and set its type as a Partial of the component’s Props interface.

interface Props {
  isReady: boolean;
  firstName?: string;

static defaultProps: Partial<Props> = {
  isReady: false,

Using Refs

See for detailed information. When referencing a Ref in your code, don’t forget that you need to use the current attribute to access the actual DOM element!

export default class CustomInput extends React.Component {
  private inputRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>();
  private logValue = (): void => {

  render() {
    return (
      <input type="text" ref={this.inputRef} />


See the Emotion guide.

Last updated