The Hub - Maintenance

Weekly maintenance for the Hub is slightly different because it is a legacy Drupal 7 site.

Login to as an administrator and then open the Update Status page in the Hub UI. Check the list of available updates - look specifically for security updates (usually highlighted in red). If there are updates you want to perform then: Switch to your local build (, and ensure you have the latest develop branch checked out and that it is up to date with the remote (AWS CodeCommit) repo. Verify that your local version is requiring the same updates are required on the local Update Status page (if not then check the branch and possibly sync the local DB with a version from Prod or Dev).

If any updates or changes need to be made, then backup your local database before starting, it may save time and heartache later !!!

If Drupal itself needs updating then:

  1. Ensure your git working tree is clean (i.e no uncommitted changes to files)

  2. Download the latest Drupal core release archive from

  3. Unzip the archive into a local folder

  4. Open a terminal and go to the folder you just unzipped.

  5. Run rsync -arz -essh -P . /[abs-path]/docroot/(where abs-path is the folder where you have the repo checked out)

  6. Check that files have copied correctly

  7. Check the changes being reported by git, especially "key file"s to see if you want them changed (usually you don't). This is a list of "key files":

    • .htaccess files (especially the one in the docroot)

    • any settings files you find in /docroot/sites/default

    revert or rollback any changes you do not wish to keep (e.g. .htaccess file)

  8. Run lando drush cc all and lando drush updb

  9. Check the site at https://hub.lndo.siteand see that it is working properly.

  10. Commit the changes and deploy them.

  11. Delete the local folder from step 2 above.

For all other non-Drupal core module updates

  • On your local version of the website (

  • Make sure you have the latest version of the develop branch checked out and up to date with the remote (AWS CodeCommit) repo.

  • Open the Update Status page in the UI. - or - lando drush ups

  • Note all the updates you wish to apply (from page admin/reports/updates/update).

  • Switch to the docroot folder on your host computer and run lando drush up modulename1, modulename2 ... alternatively you can do this to update all outdated contributed modules in one go: lando drush up --no-core --notes [--security-only] [--entity-updates]

  • The updates will be downloaded, and then you will be given a list of updates that will be performed, check this with the list noted above. If all is OK type yes at the prompt to apply the updates. (Note: database updates are applied by drush).

  • Check the updates have been applied.

  • Commit the changes and deploy them.

Other weekly checks

HCM Feed (Active Directory Sync)

  • Check to see that the HCM import is not stuck importing or some non-idle state. If it is, then reset each of the User and Profile migration tasks so they show idle as their status. You can ssh to the eb server ($ eb ssh HubProduction) and then check the contents of the log file $ cat /var/log/drupal/drush-hcm.log, check the script at $ sudo vim /var/app/current/docroot/sites/default/files-private/drush_HCM.shand finally check cron launches the script properly sudo crontab -l you can also manually run the script using $ . /var/app/current/docroot/sites/default/files-private/

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