PHP CodeSniffer

Run phpcs on your custom modules

PHP CodeSniffer ( is already included with our D8 project with composer. If you run a lando composer install you should have it available at ./vendor/bin/phpcs

Local Setup:

1. You need to specifically download the Drupal coding standards using the coder module. You can do this globally for your computer by running:

composer global require drupal/coder:^8.3.1

2. You need to make sure phpcs knows about your newly installed coding standard (note the path below assumes you're using Ubuntu, yours might be different on a mac):

./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.config/composer/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/

3. Now you can run this manually against your custom modules:

./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Drupal docroot/modules/custom/

If you're looking for more info, here's a good place to get started:

Last updated