Ownership of Concerns

Outline which parts of the application each team is responsible for.

Digital Team
Security Team

Presentation Logic

i.e Application design, UI elements, UX (functionality), etc

Business Logic

i.e sorting, password change, session login, changes to application data, etc

Data Requests (from Security Endpoints)

Endpoint/API Access

Data Formatting (for display)

Data Formating

Application Session

Store user data after login in application session, used to hold tokens for password change, etc

Password Validation (Server side)

Compare against previous used password, etc

UI shows error message when accessing endpoint fails

GENERATE error when authentication fails for any reason

UI/UX informs user of missing/errors on input fields

GENERATE error when user account not set up properly

REPORT error generated by endpoint (Rollbar tracking)

GENERATE error when FID not functioning properly

REPORT error generated by UX to Rollbar

Certification changes, errors

Last updated