Non-Monorepo Service Setup


For web services that will run in containers, our system expects the following 2 behaviors:

  • It listens for TLS on its $PORT

  • It responds with a 200 to requests for /admin/ok

Setting up the repository

Services are deployed into the Elastic Container Services (ECS) environments by cloning a tagged image held in the Elastic Container Register (ECR).

Our images are stored in the AWS US-East-1 ECR.

You will first need to create a new private repository using the AWS console or the AWS CLI. The repository name should follow a convention: the environment (stage/prod) and service (e.g. access-boston etc) that is contained within the image. For example cob-digital-apps-prod/access-boston.

Repo Creation Notes

  • The new repository name must start with a letter and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and forward slashes (/).

  • AWS refer to cob-digital-apps-prod/part of the name as a namespace "to group the repository into a category".

  • The digital monorepo deploy process presently requires one of 2 namespaces cob-digital-apps-prod and cob-digital-apps-stage. You do not need to follow this convention, but it is useful if your images need to be different for stage and prod.

Using AWS CLI to create a new repo:

aws ecr create-repository \
     --repository-name my-repo-name \
     --region us-east-1

Last updated